Just for Fun,  Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

The Worst Thing That Can Happen After You Birth a Human

After the kids went to bed tonight, I grabbed my shopping list and coupons and headed up to Target to do my weekly grocery shopping.

(Side Note: Have you ever been grocery shopping at Target? It is much cheaper than my regular grocery store, which kind of surprises me…)

I loaded my cart with necessities and pulled into the check out with the shortest line. There was a really nice, chatty young girl working the register and we made small talk while she rang up my groceries.

And then the worst thing that can happen to a person after you’ve given birth to a human being happened.

The girl smiled shyly at me and motioned to my stomach. “When’s your baby due?” she asked, smiling sweetly.

It caught me so off-guard that I didn’t quite understand her at first. But the longer I stood there staring at her, the faster the horror spread throughout my body.

Did she just…??? No. She couldn’t have. But I think she did. DOES SHE THINK I’M PREGNANT?!?!


(breathe, breathe, breathe)


(breathe, breathe, breathe)


Without missing a beat and in my brightest voice, I replied, “Oh, I actually just had my baby. A little girl.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” the girl replied. If she knew what a colossal mistake she had just made, she didn’t show it. “How old is she?”

And before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “She’s two months old.”

“TWO MONTHS?!?!” the girl squealed. “Girl, you look fantastic for having a two month old baby at home!”

(Side note: Gracie turned five months old last week.)

“Er…Thanks,” I mumbled. Then I grabbed my groceries, tucked my tail, and crawled out to my car.  I called my mom on my way home from Target and we laughed and laughed and laughed about what had just happened.

“What were you wearing?” she asked.

“Does it even matter?!?! She thought I was PREGNANT, Mom… PREGNANT!”

So, that was the end of my Tuesday.

How was your day?


  • Sarah @TheExPatBride

    At least you’ve been pregnant! I once ate a very large soft pretzel and was walking around some shops with my fiance holding my stomach because I was so full. We started talking to the shop keeper and she said “ohh, are we carrying something?!” ………… and I told her yes, a large salted pretzel with mustard. hahaha

  • Christy

    Wow! If you look pregnant, I’m a hippopotamus that is pregnant with triplets. I seriously don’t see a belly in that picture at all. For serious. What was this girl on?

  • Candice

    Oh for pete’s darn sake. WHEN are people going to learn you DON’T do that??? UGH. For the record, you don’t look pregnant, at all. NOT that it should matter anyway.

  • Melissa

    You look wonderful! YOu don’t look pregnant at all. Note to self – never go to your Target! I would kill to look like you do! Keep your head up. You are beautiful.

  • Kimberly @ The Sparks Life

    You look amazing. You definitely do not look pregnant at all. If it makes you feel any better, I was asked when I was due by a waiter at a restaurant once. I have never been pregnant…don’t have kids. I was mortified. Even now, I get upset by it. Anyways, you look great. And I love your outfit…super cute.

  • Kimberly

    I saw the photo before reading the post, and I thought, “Wow! Katie got sooo skinny! But look how big her chest look even after getting skinny!” Really I think you look great!

  • Margaret

    Honestly, this has happened to me twice. Both times before my first pregnancy. I think it’s a combination of 10 extra pounds and horrible posture. The first time it was a woman in the CVS and the second time it was my batty great-aunt who then proceeded to *take me aside and pull my stomach in*. It was painful and ridiculous and only mitigated by the fact that she thought my cousin was also pregnant. I will say that now that I *am* pregnant I’m shocked at how many people comment on it. Just say no! =)

  • Alyssa

    Oh my gosh, I was totally asked this yesterday but I had my 27 month old and my 2 month old with me. I laughed and said heck no, I would run away if I was pregnant again while I have these two little ones! Then I went home and ate a sleeve of Oreos, yeah that’s going to help mommy pooch go away.

  • Amy

    I think you look cute in that outfit! I had the same thing happen to me after my second pregnancy, except it was said by someone who’d seen me the week before, at 9 months pregnant- and she asked if the baby had arrived yet!!! Umm…I know I’ve got a little post-baby pudge, but do I look ready to pop?
    Hurts the self confidence a bit….

  • laurenbtrain

    you are so sweet to deny and lie to not make the poor girl who asked that feel bad. you look awesome and my baby is almost a year and i could still pass for preg. if I looked half as good as you i would be estatic!

  • tabs

    I must say that that is a very cute outfit. And you do look great….lets just pretend her sentence stopped there. You look great! Period. End of story. Cause ya really do. 🙂

  • Ella

    You really do not look pregnant! But i do agree that is the worst thing you can ask a mum! Had that happen to me not that long ago and my baby has just turned 4 🙁

  • Krista

    Oh.no! You look fabulous!!! I got this same question over a year after I had my son. I told the women I was not pregnant, just fat.

  • Alaina

    You do NOT look pregnant! In fact, very stylish! I love that outfit! On a side note…I have noticed my grocery bills are lower at Target…but that’s only IF I don’t go to the other side of the store with the fun stuff 🙂

  • Tara@Faith Confessions

    I do not think you look pregnant at all but I have to say this has become so common to hear among friends since empire waist shirts have become popular. I personally love them but when I was shopping with my Mom one day I grabbed one and she said do you want to look pregnant? I was like HUH and she pointed out that such style could only be found in the maternity section in her day and that they can even make a size 2 look pregnant. I put the shire back and needless to say. Case in point was then proved when my sister a size 2 said she had to throw away her new shirts because her husband says she looked pregnant, and of course they were empire waist. I hate to say it but with an 11 month old I am not ready for that question thus there is not one single empire waist shirt in my closet and you know what I now even get oh you must have lost weight, I weigh the same as I have since 18! There is something to be said for the cut of a shirt. So in conclusion LOL I will continue to think your outfit is adorable from a far because I am just not ready to say my son is 11 months even to a silly little teenager! 🙂

  • jamie

    you looking amazing and beautiful. i just woke up and am in bed reading your blog and i run downstairs to read it to my 21yo daughter that is five months pregnant. what a hilarious story. you handled the situation so well! telling the cashier gracie is two months without missing a beat: brilliant! what made you say two instead of one??!!! so funny.

  • Katie N.

    I echo the sentiments of everyone else – you look super skinny, miss!! 🙂 And, I will share my horror story of when my new husband and I went home to visit my parents and after church our Priest asked if I was ‘expecting’ in front of about 5 eager (nosey!) church ladies. In fairness, I WAS wearing a very flowy blouse and had even jokingly commented to my mom prior to going to church that my shirt may cause some whispers due to its flowy nature, but COME ON! I’m a reasonably small person (just like you!) and those shirts are just in style right now! When will people learn that is the worst possible question to ask, as is evidenced by the fact that nearly every woman that has commented on your post has been asked and insulted by it?!

  • Amanda

    Katie you look beautiful! I love your top and the little coral colored oversweater. So cute!

    Sometimes when I’ve just had a huge meal I totally get a “food baby” and am waiting for the day when a stranger asks me if I’m pregnant.

  • Tressa

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit!!! LOVE the sweater over it! YOU DO NOT LOOK PREGNANT AT ALL. You look AMAZING! I have to agree with some of the previous comments, when will people learn not to ask such questions.

  • Jennifer

    I think you look great!!!! You must remember that young girls today are growing up in a generation that believes everyone should be a stick. Love your outfit, super sute!!

  • Emily

    Sigh, I wish I looked as good as you. My “baby” is 14 months old and I am still struggling. These young girls just don’t know what is in store for them one day (of course I am making a generalization that she wasn’t of child bearing age yet)! You look great!!

  • Tawny

    I love grocery shopping at Super Target and Super Walmart. Always cheaper. My neighbor showed me the light one day when we compared receipts. I was paying at least a $1 or more on staples at my local grocery store. I hate being a slave to to the big box guy but I need every penny I can save!

    P.S. You do not look preggers SKINNY GIRL!

  • momiss

    I had twins when I was 32. They were in ICU for 2 and 3 weeks respectively. We stayed in the Ronald McDonald House during that time. I do not recall how “old” the twins were the day a lady walked out of a stall in the bathroom hospital, smiled big and very nicely asked me when my baby was due. I still feel bad about the way I stared down at my (honestly, 6 month pregnant looking) stomach and the tears just started falling and I could not stop them. That poor, poor woman was kind enough to make out “twins…ICU…..” before she FLED the bathroom. I have no doubt she was promising God she would never comment to seemingly pregnant women again.
    I must admit, bad as it was, it did not matter at all to me on a deep level. I was way more worried about the babies dying or never having normal lives, but obviously, it has never left me either.
    I like the top and do not think you look pregnant at all. The important thing here, I think, is not to care. lol

  • Megan

    Why do people do that?! My baby was 3 months old when an older woman stopped me, rubbed my stomach and asked when I was due. Her hand was literally still on my stomach while I just stood there with my mouth open. Luckily, my husband jumped in to explain that we had “just” had our baby.

  • Laura @ Casa del Hansen

    Oh funny! Gotta love it. Those empire waisted shirts sure can confuse people, can’t they? I’ve had that happen once before, but the worst was this time: My MIL is an OB, and I once made the mistake of letting her give me a tour of her clinic (they had just remodeled). I was wearing one – but NOT prego (never have been) – and although nobody there said anything out loud, my gosh did their eyes give my belly x-rays. You know how sometimes creeper’s eyes will go straight from your face to your boobs? Theirs went straight from “Hi nice to meet you” to my belly… Awkward….

  • Jen

    lol..before I even read the post I saw the picture and thought wow she has already lost all of her baby weight and she looks great.
    Something that everyone needs to learn unless the woman says something about being pregnant dont ever ask the question when are you do. I manage a baby store and I dont ever ask that question.

  • Jessica

    I’ve never been pregnant and more than once people have thought I was pregnant. Once it was my aunt and she literally patted my belly and asked if “I had any news to tell her.” Another time it was a friend of my sister-in-law who saw me at the pool. Women already have enough body image issues as it is, why do we have to ask if someone is prego?!

  • Mom2Boys

    I once had that same exact thing happen to me – except my baby was 5 YEARS old! I threw that shirt in the trash the minute I got home.

  • Mariya

    Yep, my aunt asked me when I was due a few weeks ago. I said, nope, just fat. My baby girl is 18 months now. So I went out and bought a bunch of granny panties to tuck the pouch in a bit.

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I have unfortunately learned to avoid empire waisted anything after having a baby. Even now, 8 months later, I still have a little bit of a pudge that refuses to get gone and empire waist clothes just enhance that on me. I’ve also learned the technique of a good belt. Btw, you DO NOT look pregnant. Some people just need to learn tact

  • Becky

    Once, when I was waiting for the girl to check in my stuff at the baby consignment shop, she asked if we (me and my husband, who was standing there holding our baby girl) were the GRANDPARENTS…..

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    That happened to me a few weeks ago at church. I was mortified. My son is almost four. Of course my mom’s comment was “well were you wearing one of those high wasted dresses?” Yes I was. It was from Target. I think I’ll burn it. I never ever ask anyone if they are pregnant.

  • Susan

    I think you are beautiful and love that you can write this and be confident and laugh at yourself. That is such a beautiful thing. What in the world was that girl even thinking SAYING IT OUTLOUD?! It’s like the cardinal question you never ask. You’re not the crazy one, she is. All that to say- I think you should go shopping with a young, non-mom friend and maybe do some wardrobe updating. You look great, but maybe you’re wearing shapes that aren’t doing you favors. And I would stay away from BIG patterns. They make anyone look bigger. We all need updating, and a non-mom friend could really help.

  • Sonya

    Maybe new moms should carry pictures of themselves while pregnant so when someone asks they can show them what they really look like pregnant! ha!

  • Julia Harts the Man

    I don’t usually comment, but I had to say something about this post. 1. You NEVER, EVER ask a woman when she is due! I mean everyone knows that is the worst thing to ever say, even if the woman looks 9 months and is huffing and puffing in labor, you don’t ask that question! 2. You look fabulous! I have been meaning to post that you have lost so much weight and your arms are buff dude! Way to go! I have no kids to blame my weight on and I am still struggling to keep my arms from flapping while I teach! Keep rocking on, Julia

  • Rachel @ Lines across my face

    Haha hilarious {and horrifying}! At least you have a good attitude about it. The same sort of thing happened to me a few months after I had my daughter. I was out alone and this woman looked at me and said congratulations. I just smiled and said thank you and kept walking. You DEFINITELY do not look pregnant at all. That lady was crazy. I think sometimes women who recently have had babies still have pregnant posture and people pick up on that.

    Also congrats on the house. It looks beautiful.

  • Casey L.

    That’s happened to me. My second daughter was 5 or 6 weeks old, and I had her with me at the time (along with my 2 year old). Granted she was tucked in her infant seat so you couldn’t tell how old she was exactly but when a lady asked me, “Are you pregnant again?” with a horrified look on her face. I shot back, “Actually I just had my daughter and considering my husband is deployed to Iraq right now being pregnant would kind of be a miracle.” I guess she took offense to my reaction because she was very rude with her reply of, “Well, then I guess you’re still allowed to be fat.” Um, gee thanks lady. You do not look pregnant. Having babies so close together is rough on the body but come on, you have nothing to be ashamed of!! BTW, I love your top!!!

  • Tara

    LOL I love it!! I would have been horrified, too! I am always worried I look pregnant, because I am skinny but have a little tummy! lol My little one is 10 months old.

  • Jody

    K, I know the others will tell you flat out that you don’t look pg so I’m rounding on the sweet but oblivious lady at Tarjay. Does she not know the rule, the absolute in freakin’ stone rule, that one cannot ask if someone is pregnant on less one sees a baby actually shooting out from between the legs? I mean COME ON!
    Truthfully that is the reason I don’t wear those shirts because they make everyone looks a bit pregnant. *sigh*

  • Amber @ Amber in Paradise

    People really should know better. That thought “Oh, she looks pregnant” should send of loud alarms in every brain to keep your mouth shut! One time while I was obviously pregnant, a girl I didn’t know came up to me and asked me “So, what are you going to be doing the next couple of months?” because she was scared to actually ask if I was pregnant. That was just weird.

  • Janet

    I have sooooo stopped asking ANY and EVERY personal question of ANYONE I meet! It happened 10 years ago… I was at the post office chatting with the clerk I’d seen every week since we moved to North Carolina from California – I was so homesick I was sending my mom gifts and friends letters and post cards almost every day – any way, he mentioned that I wouldn’t be seeing him for a few weeks due to a surgery that he was having the following Tuesday. I made the STUPID mistake of saying, “Oh, I hope it’s nothing serious and that you’ll be back to work real soon” to which he replied, “Oh, I hope so too, it’s all my wife’s idea… she’s wanted me to get circumsized for the longest time.”


    To this day I CANNOT see him without thinking about his penis. Honestly! Couldn’t he have just said THANK YOU!?

    And for the record, you are gorgeous and don’t look one stinkin’ bit pregnant!

  • Jayne

    Reminds me of one incident last year. I wasn’t the offended party or the victim. I was a bystander. This lady said hi to another lady who has a 15 year old son. She was wearing a long dress. Suddenly the first lady squealed and said loudly, “So when are you due?” The second lady was so embarrassed and whispered, “I’m not expecting!” I learnt an important lesson that day. Never assume!

  • Kendall

    WHAT?! Wow…what is wrong with that chick?! I have a similar Target story—When I was 8 months preggo with my daughter, a woman asked me if I had just had a baby. I was actually ANNOYED….and said, “um no, I am due in a month” she looked shocked and horrified (I didnt show much at all…my daughter was born weighing 5 lbs 12 oz. but i gained 40 lbs!!! how does this happen? IDK). It made me feel crappy, and from that moment on, I vowed to NEVER EVER say a THING to anyone unless they said something first. The nerve! (ps–I found you on BEB..adding you for sure!)

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