I Get Around (in a restaurant)
This post is going to be the first in a series of posts I do called, “I Get Around,” where I’ll share practical tips for how we navigate different situations with two kids.…
When Puffalumps Eat Puffs
Gracie is seven months old now (gasp!) and I started to panic because he daycare teachers told me today that she’s about to move up to the next classroom. In that class, they…
Flashbacks Make My Ovaries Ache
Bean’s favorite thing when he was between six months and a year old was the infant Tylenol bottle. He chewed on that rubber stopper like a crazy man. He liked it so much,…
Dinosaurs and Flowers
Halloween gets mixed reviews around our house. I happen to really like Halloween. I didn’t like it in college, when everyone else my age loved it. But I have found a new love…
The Second Child
I was the first child growing up. I remember my sister always complaining that she never got anything new because everything had already gone through me. At the time, I thought she was…
Our Weekend in Pictures
Well, kids. This weekend was a rosy one for our family. Roseola went through Gracie’s class at school and so, naturally, Gracie was kind enough to bring it home and share it with…
Sit, Boo Boo, Sit.
This weekend, Gracie checked another milestone off her chart. She now sits. (sigh) Damn. When Bean was a big lump of baby fat, I couldn’t wait for him to hit milestones. Rolling over?…
Gracie Giggles
Gracie is usually really good about going to bed. I give her a bottle, rock her for as long as she lets me, and then lay her down in her crib when she…
Sick Days x 2
Last week, Gracie had a runny nose. Within two days, she had spread that runny nose to Bean, who then took on multiple cold symptoms – runny nose, cough, low fevers. At that…
Gracie Tells a Joke
“Hey, Gracie,” I said. “Oh,” she said. “Hi, Mom.” “Whatcha doing, Big Girl?” “Oh, I’m just hanging out after my baaaa…. HELP! HELP! MY DUCKY TOWEL IS ATTACKING ME!” “Whoa, there!” I said.…