Bean,  Fun Things,  Parenting

Bye, Bye Momma

Tomorrow I’m heading to New York with my sister for her bachelorette weekend.  And – news flash – babies can’t come to bachelorette weekends.  This means I’ll be leaving Bean overnight for the first time.  And not just overnight, but until Sunday.  That’s three full days and two full nights without my Beaner.

Now, I realize that Bean will be in very capable hands.  Chris will be fine.  Bean will be fine.  I, however, may not be fine.

I already miss him and I haven’t even left yet.

But I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought once or twice about sleeping in a hotel room for two nights.  A hotel room with black out curtains.  A hotel room with silent, soundproof walls.  A quiet, peaceful hotel room with a 24-hour room service.

Nothing can replace Bean in my life.

But room service comes pretty close.


  • Maria

    OMG – that first photo of Bean? Slayed me completely. I’d have such a tough time leaving that adorably precious face, too.

    Have a great time this weekend!

  • Shoe Gal @ High Heel Hijinks

    Love that first picture of Bean. He looks like a little man with his hair all disheveled. So adorable. Have a blast in NYC. After that fist night when you get 8 hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep you’ll see the bright side to a couple of days away 🙂

  • Ashley

    He’s so cute! I know you’ll miss him dearly (I know parents who have taken framed photos of their babies with them when on vacation sans children), but have a great time just being Katie! I don’t think we always get the opportunity to just cut loose and be who we are without being the wife, the mom, the employee, etc. It doesn’t happen often enough, so enjoy!

  • Amy

    That’s gotta suck, Katie. But you could look at it like a positive thing–like you’ll be a more restful and, thus, a more capable at tackling the big move when you get back! 🙂

    Have fun this weekend, and keep us posted!

  • J

    My son had hair just like bean! So cute.

    I finally had to buzz it with the clippers, and then it all grew in the same length.

    Hope you have fun. Ginny looks like the girl is ready to P A R T Y!!

  • deepa

    You’ll be fine! When I spent my first night away from my son, I called my mom at every feeding to make sure everything was ok. It was cute, bc Josh didn’t want to call my mom himself, but he kept checking my phone every 20 minutes to see if she called us.

    In May, I am going to a bachelorette party (matron of honor as well) in New Orleans – I am so scared. I will be thousands of miles away… my heartbeat is speeding up even as I type this… BUT he will be in good hands and we will all survive:)

  • courtney

    I know how you feel. I felt the exact same way when I left my little guy overnight for the first time, but I was excited to sleep past 6:15. The problem is I didn’t sleep, and I was a nervous wreck. There was no reason for this – he was in great hands, I just couldn’t wait to get home and see home. Sorry I know that doesn’t help much. Have a good time and try to relax.

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    Normally I would say that it’s good for mommies to get away occasionally and recharge their batteries. In this particular case though, I have the feeling that not much recharging will be taking place. 🙂

    Still, it’s good to get out! Have a great time.

  • Tressa

    I bet you didn’t get to much rest/sleep. But I bet you have a life time of great memories!
    Hope you did ok without Beanie. I’m thinking all three of you was happy to see each other after the jello shots, loud bars, fishnet stockings…etc… was all over!! 😉

    ………you did survive………didn’t you?????

  • Megan

    I’ve had those same thoughts! A hotel room…by myself…for two nights. Just to sleep. And read. And be alone.

    But, that would require leaving Q-Tip AND Farm Boy and I’m not sure I can do it. But if I brought Farm Boy there would be no one to keep Q-Tip that she is familiar with.

    And that…just wouldn’t work.

    So, no hotel for me! But it will happen…some day!

    Ta Ta,

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